Another Week!

Author: Liz / Labels: ,

Arrgh!!! I can't believe that it's been a week since I last posted. I must do better, I must do better, I must do better. Sometimes it seems like the world is out to grab all of your time and patience so when you finally get home all you want to do is sit in front of the tv or curl up with a book and escape.

Anyway, the most fun that has happened to me this past week is that I have been adopted! The neighborhood friendly cat (seriously, the most friendly outdoor cat ever!) has seen fit to accept all the lovin' that I can provide to him. I believe that he roams the neighborhood in search of someone to pet him. He will just walk right up to me and present his belly for a nice rub or stalk my hose as I'm watering my plants, knock me over as I'm weeding or just sit on my porch railing to peer into the house. He's just a little Romeo! I have no idea what his actual name is but Romeo seems to fit for me!

Hi. My name is Liz......

Author: Liz / Labels: ,

and I'm a knitaholic!

Ok, Ok...I know it's been at least a week since I posted anything here but I've had lots of other things to occupy my time. Between crazy work (yuck!) and summer fun, there's always the enticement of new things...

Anybody with a hobby that you truly love to do will understand what I'm saying right now -- the new items that come out for your choice of activities can be the most detrimental things ever introduced to you. They make you want to set down whatever it is that you are currently working on (whether that is your hobby, your work, your household chores, etc., etc., etc.) and dive into using your new toys! When the box of new needles and yarn appeared on my doorstep all other things got pushed to the back. I couldn't start the second sock of the pair I'm currently working on, I couldn't clean my house, I had a really hard time putting down the new needles and yarn to go to work...grrrr.
It's not that I don't love the projects I'm currently working on. It's just that the soft, colorful yarn is staring at me in the face and I can't get the new needles to work right with my other projects. The new additions are calling to me to use them and they make it very hard to ignore them. They scream over the dirty dishes in the sink, are much neater then the clothes that need to be ironed, and much more beautiful than the weeds taking over my garden!
Oh well, now I'll have another pair of socks that will need to be finished and not enough time to do the housework! (Why can't the dust bunnies clean up after themselves?!)

Elephant Hijinks!

Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

So what happens when it is over 90 degrees and the elephants at the zoo are feeling playful?

What you get is a big elephant 4 feet away taking a swim!

Last Tuesday, two of my brothers, my two nephews, one of my nieces and I all took a trip to the zoo. We started out early hoping to avoid threatening rainstorms and by the time we made it to the elephant side of the zoo it was almost 2 o'clock and sweltering. As we approached the enclosure we heard that the elephant was taking a swim in the pool. Sure enough, as we got up there it was really close to the viewing area -- half submerged in the water! Having never seen an elephant in the zoo actually in the pool provided for them it was fascinating to watch! However, one must be careful that close to an elephant. All of a sudden, the elephant decides that the people watching him needed to be wet as well -- letting go of a whole trunkful of water! Luckily, I was standing to the side and saw everybody jump backwards, not getting any elephant spit on me! So I'll end this post with something that looked very fun and cooling on a very hot day!


Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

So I am finally getting to the sock post that I meant to do almost 2 weeks ago! The sock adventure started when my friend, Megan came to me asking to help her learn how to knit. She wants to eventually knit cool & pretty socks. Since I had only ever made one pair of socks I figured that I should be really sure how to knit them before I had to help her. I had seen pictures of this beautiful yarn and wanted to try it. So when Uncle Sam sent me money to stimulate the economy I took a field trip to the Yarnmarket to get some. I ended up getting this and one other colorway (that pair is currently under construction). The colors are absolutely beautiful!!! So bright and strong!!! Even though this yarn is beautiful there are a few issues that I was bothered by. While knitting with it it twists and almost knots if you're not really careful about it. The other thing I'm not so sure about is the fact that it is not machine washable. Time will tell if the socks hold up to wear and wash.
I had bought Cat Bordhi's book, "New Pathways for Sock Knitters" because I loved the different swirls and patterns. I chose the riverbed pattern for these socks with all the increases located on the bottom of the foot. The stripes are awesome and the transitions between the colors amaze me. Altough, they do make an odd pair -- but who cares?! The best part is that they fit like a glove (oh wait, that should be like a sock!). Anyway, with the way that Cat Bordhi presents her patterns, it's incredibly easy to adapt the sock to fit your foot perfectly! Even adjusting for different arches. Now I just need to wait until it's not 95 degrees so that I can wear them!!!! (not that I want the cold weather. I'm happy to let them sit for a while.......)
So yea, for the first pair of awesome socks! There will definitely be more to come as the other color that I bought is already being worked into a different style of sock. :)