Welcome back...

Author: Liz / Labels: , , , , ,

...after a brief hiatus. To my fives of readers I greatly apologize for the lack of blogging that has occurred the past month. I have no excuse but I will say that between going through a major anti-social phase, spring yard work, and being busy working and playing, the blog fell way to the back of the line. So.....now prepare for a very picture loaded post.

1. The Yard...

with Ohio actually having a spring this year it's been hard enough to keep the grass cut let alone the weeds pulled. It's been amazing to see all the plants that I added last year filling in and blooming galore. As long as the mint (the closest clump of green) doesn't take over...good thing I like fresh mint in iced tea! Now to wait for the Basil, Tomatoes, and hopefully, Beans to grow.

2. New station on the cat TV...
My neighbor has birdfeeders in the back yard which make for delightful entertainment for a cat to watch. This year we have a couple of new additions...this bird is a Grosbeak (kinda cool coloration) and we also have a pair of Red-winged Blackbirds joining the usual crowd of Bluejays, Cardinals, Chickadees, Finches, and Sparrows.

3. Finished projects...
I haven't finished any big projects lately. (probably due to picture #1) But I have finished a couple pairs of socks. The brown pair were made for Mom. This is the first pair of handmade socks she's ever had!! The striped pair is for me. They were both made out of the More Sensational Socks book (Thanks Julane and Kristie!) which is a treasure trove of combinations for sock knitters.

4. Unfinished projects...

As usual I still have 3 or 4 things going. The next pair of socks to be finished is the Bellatrix pattern. Fittingly, I decided to use the Wicked Witch color of the Imagination that I have. It's turning out awesomely! The "bubbles" are actually dropped stitches to look like "runs in your stockings". The group of little squares will eventually grow up to be a blanket. This is my sock yarn stash busting project. It will take forever but I'm hoping it'll be cool in the end. The sweater back is for a Central Park Hoodie that I'm using the Scarlett and Grey yarn that I just had to have. (O-H)

5. Pushing forward...

with new adventures. I have a dealer (oops...friend) who can supply a need for fiber. I happened to mention to Matt the Repair Guy that I was interested in learning how to spin. I did this knowing that Matt owns Alpacas...nudge, nudge. So how excited was I when a bag full of Alpaca fiber showed up at work for me. He gave this batch to me to test out with the caveat that there is a lot more where that came from (this and two more colors in fact!). So here's hoping that once I build a spindle I can actually manage to work this wonderfully soft and squishy fiber into some workable yarn (pictures to come). Thank you Boo or Lincoln -- whichever one of you gave me the hair off your back!


Karen said...

Liz is back! Your yard looks amazing. CPH is looking good. The sock yarn blanket is such a good idea. Missed you Thursday!

Anonymous said...

The Blog thanks you. Perhaps you shouldn't stay away so long next time, hmmmmmm? If you need to get rid of that mint ever, I REALLY like fresh mint in my iced tea too....wink wink.