Much Accomplished

Author: Liz /

So, in the past few days I have actually gotten a lot (a lot, alot) done. Or at least it feels that way. Many projects are coming along very nicely....others are just hanging out (like the dusting and vacuuming. Maybe I can say that I'm contributing to the population of dustus bunnius.). But here we go:

First of all, there was a minor tragedy in the garden this weekend. Saturday I came home from work and one of my tomato plants (that were ordered special to get certain varieties) looked like it had been trampled flat by what I could only assume was the mailman. Ooh...the mailman was not in my good graces at that point. On closer inspection, I noticed that there was another tomato plant down and they had definitely been chewed on!! It could only have been Bunnies! (I don't think the mailman would've done that.) They were fine when I left for work that morning....Argh. While checking out the tomato plants I noticed that the ground was disturbed around where I had planted bean seeds. Oh no, someone got to those too-- but no, after my initial freak I noticed that underneath the ground were green things coming.
The pic is from the next morning and now the beans are up about 3 inches! And now that the tomato plants have also been replaced, steps have been taken to prevent the bunnies from feasting again!

I was able to get a little experimenting done with the alpaca this weekend. The very first stuff I did was not pretty. Not at all. It varied in width from a huge thick bundle to little teeny cord. After working for a few hours though I'm seeming to
work out a routine to get it a little smooth. At least it's starting to closely resemble yarn, sorta.

Also, amongst the yard work and the bbqing I managed to finish my Bellatrix socks.
The "runs" look a little like bobbles but it's a very cool effect. The yarn worked really well with the pattern and I love the way it kinda pools in the "runs". Now on to the next pair....


Bean Counting Knitter said...

Socks look awesome. I had to replace all of my tomato plants I started from seed because of the freeze we had after the 15th. :-( Not a good start to the growing season. Lets toast to better luck from here on out.....

Olliesmomknits said...

So love the Bellatrix!! Didn't know you had such a green thumb! How awesome. I am envious! One year I'll get to planting some tomatoes...

NextVanGogh said...

your alpaca looks nice! know what you are going to do with it?