Happy August!

Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

It seems like the Blog-o-sphere and I have not been getting along lately. Maybe it's summer telling me that there are better things than putting your thoughts down for the world to see. (Or perhaps my thoughts just want to turn off when I get home.) Maybe it's the lack of really exciting thoughts...wait...that's not it. (What it would be like to look into the crazy randomness that is my brain!) At any rate, it seems like I'm always doing a catch-up post! Argh! This summer I have averaged 1 post per month! 1! Wow! So far it seems like the summer has been taken up with work (ugh), working outside [ ;) ], and enjoying lots of family and friends (yay!).

Some of the wonderfulness of the summer has been the al fresco knit knites! Sitting outside, watching 3 very energetic kids play, knit, and converse with a bunch of great ladies has made this summer so fun! The teasing, book gossiping, yarn fondling and just all round good times is more than any girl can ask from friends.

On that creative front, I finally am getting to my Diminishing Rib sweater! I'm so ready for this sweater to be done. Not because my tired of knitting it but because I want to wear it and am hoping that it fits and is comfy. I'm making this out of organic cotton and as I work with it, it keeps getting softer and softer. The goal is to have it done in time for the family Clambake. (That's 12 more days -- good thing I only have 1 more sleeve to go!)

And of course, I am never without a sock going so here's the most recent one of those --
These are being called my Lizzard socks. Between the color and the pattern I chose it reminds of lizard skin.

Ok, I will try to get to posting more than once a week. For now, I'm off to go practice (I'm the bonfire entertainment at the Clambake) and start the second sleeve.


Marie said...

i totally understand this disagreement with the blogosphere this summer. anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes and lily is about a 5T :)

Bean Counting Knitter said...

"What it would be like to look into the crazy randomness that is my brain!"

Ohhh if only you would write a book! :-)

NextVanGogh said...

LIZ! Your sweater is beautiful, you've done such a great job and sooo speedy! Can't wait to see the finished piece. Also... LOVE the socks... greens my fave color and I have a fondness for lizards as well. :)

Rebecca said...

I can't wait to see your sweater tomorrow night! It looks great!