I think I'm addicted...

Author: Liz / Labels: , , , ,

These little guys were introduce last Thursday by K at knit knite as "Diabolical Cuteness". She really is evil (yes, you heard me, K...Evil!). This pattern is SO easy and fun. It's like Lay's potato chips -- you can't stop at just one. It's impossible. This is the perfect way to use up all the little bits of yarn that won't make much of any other project. As another knit knite buddy thought up -- these would also make wonderful catnip toys or even sachets for drawers! How wonderful to have a little alien lurking within your drawers! (She chuckles to herself.)

I have now finished the Diminishing Ribs sweater! It's now washed and blocked (sort of). I'm trying to wait patiently for it to dry....it's hard, really hard.
I made my goal of having this done by the Clambake (more on this later) so that makes me the happiest! Now I need to do a bunch of socks while I figure out what the next big project will be.

In other news, I made the best sandwich EVER for dinner tonight. This is one of my reasons why summer is my favorite season -- fresh tomatoes! This is a beautiful BLT with the first beefsteak tomato from my garden! Nice crisp bacon, tasty Tuscan bread, spring greens...mmmmmmmmmmmm. It was very messy but oh, so worth it! Hopefully, this is the first of many.

Now, a word about the clambake. My family has a clambake every year. This is basically our "family reunion". We steam a ton of clams, have lots of grilled chicken, corn, and tons of other food. (Oh, yeah, drink too!) This party has been happening since long before I was born and I believe will continue for a long time. We always have some family that can't make it and they are always sorely missed. The whole day is spent eating, drinking, playing and just talking. Last year, as we sat around the fire pit (til the wee small hours of the night) we were really missing having some musical fun. (Most of my family are musicians of some sort or another.) So this year I decided that I would take matters into my own hands and have been working up a setlist of simple (like, 4 chord simple) guitar songs so that we can have at least a little sing along. Wish me luck...I have 5 more days...the party is Saturday!


Robin said...

The BLT is worthy of Gourmet magazine- I miss having home grown tomatoes this year- your sweater is soo pretty - hope to see it on you soon.

Karen said...

Yes I am EVIL. :-) I knit up 5 total, the first, Diabolical Cuteness, is still my fave. Your trio of Cute is quite fun.

I was wondering about the perfect sandwich when you posted about it on fb. It sounds divine!

I know the perfect song for the Clambake Sing a Long. http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/carousel/realniceclambake.htm

This was a real nice clambake,
We're mighty glad we came.
The vittles we et
Were good, you bet,
The company was the same.
Our hearts are warm, our bellies are full,
And we are feeling prime.
This was a real nice clambake,
And we all had a real good time.

The sing a long idea sounds fabulous! So fun!

Liz said...

Robin...the sandwich WAS worthy of Gourmet mag. And should have the sweater at knit knite.

Karen...Is it sad I knew that song was from Carousel? (I don't think the rest of my family knows that one :) )