
Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

I know it's been a week past but...Welcome to the Ravelympics!

After a wonderful cast-on party (thanks Kim!), I've been knitting like a banshee! I decided that I would try to complete a pair of socks (not super-duper-crazy-hard socks like Ann but still not-so-simple socks). Usually it takes me about a month to finish a pair so to make it to the finish line in 17 days is pushing it.
I also usually have a big project going at the same time and now is no different but that's a different story...

Ever since I was a kid I have been an Olympic junkie. Maybe it was because this was one of the few things we were allowed to watch on TV during the week, but I think mostly it's the atmosphere, the challenges, the highs, and the lows. I've also always enjoyed the winter ones much more than the summer ones...don't know why. I remember watching Dan Jansen crash and burn and then having to wait 4 long years to watch him try to win. I remember watching the ski jumper nicknamed "Eddie the Eagle". I remember Bonnie Blair becoming one the most decorated athletes -- and thinking it was really cool that it was a "she" that did it. I remember watching snowboarding slowly become such a big event (side note: don't worry Jackie, it was still amazing to watch!!). And, of course, the one sport I think would be fun to try -- short track speed skating and all the drama that seems to go on there!
With this background, maybe you can understand why I've been a little quiet this week. Having the ability to tape all of them and watch it all, I've done almost nothing when I'm at home except watch Olympics.
However, this has allowed me to be much further on in my Ravelypmics project than I thought I would be. I finished up the first sock this morning and will cast on for the second tonight.
These are the Vinnland pattern and will go to mom. I'm hoping they fit as I think my foot is a tad bit smaller than hers and it fits pretty good on mine. It is a little long so.... It's a little hard to see but the yarn is Stroll Kettle dyed...it didn't look like there would be much variation but I'm liking it knit up.

Halfway there!

I decided to add a project. A small one. But another one. I've wanted to do this one for a little bit and I'm using it as a Colorwork101. If you don't know, I'm a little bit of a nerd and am a big fan of Doctor Who...I saw this pattern and when I read that the ipod could be considered Timelord Technology (it is "bigger on the inside") I knew I had to make it -- a TARDIS ipod cozy. One of my other challenges this year will be colorwork so this was an awesome intro to that! And it's fun!


Jackie F. said...

Glad you still enjoyed the snowboarding ;-) Next week someone needs to bring an electro-shock collar to control my propensity to reveal spoilers!

Karen said...

Jackie it's all good. :-)

Liz I like the new blog layout. I lOVE the TARDIS, it's looking really good, as are the sock/vest projects which I've seen in person and got to smush.

I remember Eddie the Eagle!!!!! and Bonnie Blair and Dan Johnson and it's all so fun to remember.

Happy Knitting!