Catching up...

Author: Liz / Labels: , , ,

This week has been an incredibly busy one. I've been meaning to get this post up for about 4 days now. Sorry.

Since the last post, I've found out that I'm moving stores and will be managing our Worthington location. Bigger store, more lessons, more staff! It's incredibly hard to switch stores in a matter of a week. Especially while training new staff, trying to talk to the customers that you've worked with for almost 10 years, and generally being a sounding board (as usual). Today was my first official day over there and it was very interesting. There will be some things that will change, some will remain the same, and some that they do better than I was doing. In all, I think, your basic change.

On a brighter (and lighter for my wallet) note, this store is about 2 minutes away from The Knitter's Mercantile and I will have to pass it everyday on my way. Nothing better on a bad day then some yarn-y therapy!

We're also fast approaching my second knitting challenge for the year -- Ravelympics!!!
Cast on is now less than a week away and I'm REALLY itching to start... I will be attempting to complete a pair of socks between Opening Ceremonies and Closing Ceremonies. (Good thing I'm an Olympic junkie!) This will be about half the time that it usually takes me to finish a pair! Therefore, I've decided that they are going to be named after the first part of the Olympic Motto -- Citius. I wish I knit fast enough to also have the other two -- altus and fortius -- but maybe I'll try for those for the next Olympics. The yarn to the left has been through it's training and is patiently waiting for cast on! (Myself....not so patient.) The only bad thing is that I have yarn for a vest coming (probably tomorrow) that I'm SO gonna want to start. Do I be daring and still try to work on that as well as my socks? Hmmmmm........

In an effort to "clean up" before friday, I've finished my "concert" arm warmers. These were made from Panda Silk and are incredibly soft on the hands. And if I might say, quite pretty.
I haven't tried to play in them yet but the top around the hand feels stretchy enough that it shouldn't bother me.

Sorry the pic is a little blurry but I'm not that good with working with the timer on the new camera yet...

Also, since the last post my washing machine decided that it was tired and worn out and wasn't going to wash clothes anymore. Luckily, it happened AFTER I had most of my laundry done. It decided to stop at the delicate load so I only had to wring out about 4 sweaters. Bleh.
Now, as frustrating and as upset as I was, I really can't complain. This washer was liberated from the front sidewalk of a neighbor of a good friend who said that they had had some trouble with it and it might last me a year but I was welcome to it. Well, I actually managed to squeeze 2 years out of it so...

After deliberation and discussion, I decided that I needed to have a washer that could cope with my ever growing supply of hand knits. So I opted to splurge and go for the front-loading-able-to-handle-hand-washing-very-sleek-and-quasi-futuristic Whirlpool. So far, so good. I like being able to fit all the socks (save the Malabrigo.....haven't been daring enough to stick those in there yet.....) and a sweater or two in there and not have to fit them all in the sink!

And so now, after a VERY long post (sorry, should probably shoot for smaller-more-frequent) I'll leave you with the start of the second knee sock...


Laura said...

oh my! those panda silk arm warmers are spectacular! especially elegant in the black.
would you permit us to show them on the Crystal Palace Yarns blog?

my email is

NextVanGogh said...

YAY for the new washer, am very jealous, I want one. Ours hasn't died just yet though it is more than 12 years old... WOW didn't even realize that. Anyway, awesome job on the arm warmers and I am really itching to start my olympics project too. Good thing I'm work on like 10 different socks right now... (j/k - kind of).

Robin said...

love the arm warmers-Great idea for concerts-
Congrats on the promotion to the bigger store!
Am drooling over your new washer- its a beauty-I've wanted one but can't justify the cost since I hardly have any laundry anymore since the girls went off to school.