Wonderful Weekend

Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

Here's what most of my weekend has consisted of...

except for saturday (during the day, when I had to work) the past 3 days has been a wonderful weekend. I have accomplished a lot --

clean the house -- really really needed to be done and I think I set a house record on how fast I did it!

work on projects -- both Ravelympics and non-Ravelympics.
This is the back of what will eventually be a vest to keep me warm. The pattern is Honeycomb (little hard to see in the pic) and the yarn is KP's Telemark in Garnet Heather -- LOVE!

research new ones -- happened to see the new Knit Picks kit Mr. Roboto and immediately knew that I had to let the robot-woman (i.e. Charlie's mom!) know. After a few emails back and forth, it's definitely on the to-do list now.... Also, I'm really itching to start a colorwork project. Must hold out and finish Ravelympics first...

socialize -- yes, believe it or not, I do still have somewhat of a social life and saturday night consisted of good food, good friends, and good conversation! Always a great combo in my book!

I now leave you with a gratuitous kitty shot!
It's not just humans that love when Knit Picks delivers!


Karen said...

The green glass lamp base is almost as cool as the Kitty.

Sounds like a fab weekend.

The knitted Robots are very cute.

Great progress. I'm making steady progress on my second mitt!

Happy Knitting!

Marie said...

hee hee :)
so tonight i decided to take out ALL of the blanket i was working on because i knew i could do it better. so six balls of yarn later, i am on the road to a better blanket :)