Back from the Land of the Dead

Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

I guess I'm getting the hang of this blogging thing. I haven't posted for a week and I feel like it's been an eon! I know I need to do a knitting post but I'm not that caught up yet...

Anyway, the crazy week is over -- Solo & Ensemble! Yay! Every year I play for a number (this year = 22) of kids when they do their solo. I end up running around most of the day but it's worth it. Usually, it's worth it just because of the kids. It's so much fun to see kids grow and I love playing piano with some other instrument. This year, however, I got a shock when I went running (literally) to get to a trumpet solo in time and noticed that the name of the judge was my high school band director! I have a friend who teaches with him and have always conveyed messages but I have not sesen this man in over 10 years! What little we were able to talk was awesome! Looking just a bit older but not really acting any older -- definitely the same old Mr. Kibler!

Now that solo & ensemble is over I'm back to practicing my own stuff. I hope soon to be able to put sound files up here. I know that many of you don't really care but at least that way I'm being held accountable for me resolutions. I just hope that I can figure out a way to get recordings on here. (without too much frustration, that is...)


Marie said...

how cool that he was one of your judges!!! i miss seeing him :(