A most productive weekend...

Author: Liz / Labels: ,

...sort of. While over most of my cold (except a lingering nasty cough) I had a long 6 hour rehearsal on Sat. During which I was again reminded why you should never let musicians get bored. If you've never been around a bunch of bored musicians let me try to explain -- nobody, and I mean nobody, is safe from becoming the butt of a joke. Yourself, others, the people in charge, the composers -- everyone is up for grabs. And the quality of the jokes is directly proportional to how bored you are -- the more boring the worse the jokes. While usually a very fun adventure, it can also get you in trouble from people who don't quite understand it.

After that I sat on my couch and knit, knit, knit (oh, and watched some TV too). I made it almost to inch number 25 of the baby blanket and zoomed through most of the 2nd Jaywalker. (Pictures will be forthcoming.) I had to go back to working on the Jaywalker because I needed a break from the cabling monotony of the baby blanket. I forgot (yes, it's been that long since the first one) just how fast that sock knits!! Before I knew it I was ready to turn the heel and now I'm almost ready to do the toe. I might be pushing it a bit but I would love to have those done tonight!

As far as the baby blanket, I am loving the way it's turning out. The Cotlin is so soft and will only get softer after a couple of washes. Plus, I really like the fact that I included so many different textures -- 4 of them actually -- stockinette, cable, seed stitch, and garter. I would like it to be about 30-36 inches long and I have until March 14th (or thereabout) to get it done. That boils down to roughly 5 inches per week -- perfectly doable.

I also realized that I'm running low on sock yarn -- oh, no! Since the Knit Picks catalog was entirely filled with socks I decided to do another order. This time I went for one of the socks sampler kits -- the Sangria Cocktail Kit. I just couldn't resist all those beautiful reds!

Ok, so now why I said sort of at the top. Because I spent the rest of the weekend knitting I got absolutely nothing else done! No laundry, no grocery store, no cleaning, nothing! eh...even though it'll make me busier for the next week I think I needed to go to couch.


NextVanGogh said...

after the travelling and excitement last week, I could sure go for a couchy weekend this week, but not happening, weekend is practically filled and not with knitting either. :(