Some semblance of life.....

Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

Yes, I'm still here...I feel like I have dropped off the face of the earth for the past week. After another busy week (both physically and mentally) and a weekend of sickness, I feel like I'm back to being human. Although, being sick does afford you more knitting time -- that's if you can stay awake!
So the baby blanket shown here:
(now infamous for its mysterious disappearing cable needle) is about 3 times as long. This is a very good thing seeing as it needs to be finished by the 14th of March. I hit inch 16 today so it's about half way there! I'm hoping to have it close to 20 inches by Thurs so I can work on something else at Knit Knite and not worry about losing my needle again. Although, Cat is working on a plan to help with that -- Thanks Cat!
I'm so ready to be doing other projects too....blast it. I have socks and 2 shawls that I need to finish yet I'm itching to start another pair of socks, a hat and a sweater. Plus, I just saw Knit Picks new catalog and the socks are TOO tempting...and the sneak peek of the new summer yarns -- Yummy! I guess that just means more time knitting!