Finally back to normal...

Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

...or as normal as I can be!

The mania of playing a musical is over. There isn't a solo & ensemble contest for a few weeks. And Spring is on its way -- I saw the first Robin of the year this week! It feels like it's been forever since I've had the chance to sit for a relaxing hour or so at the computer to get caught up. Consequently, I have pictures:


The Jaywalker socks I finished. Since I made them out of the "Seven Dwarfs" colorway, I named them Heigh-Ho. The colors are beautiful and created a very cool "traveling" stripe! I loved knitting this pattern -- it went so fast! Always a bonus in my mind. Plus, the snug fit works well for me.


An updated picture of Little Boy Hurt's blanket. I'm almost done -- hoping to finish it completely this week. This would be a good thing since he could gracing us with his presence at any time! Hopefully, I'll make it before he comes!


Berry Eyelet socks! I had to start these when I was a little tired of working on the blanket. This is my first foray into the "More Sensational Socks" book. I love the customization of the book (as I was told I would!). These socks too are flying off the needles -- or could it be that little thing called practice? I think the time to do a pair of socks goes down a little with each pair that I do.

Now I have a list of socks to do -- mom and 2 nieces (plus some more for me!). These are added to the list of other WIPs that I need to get done before the new project ADD hits me again! Wednesday this week has been designated sit-in-front-of-the-tv-and-knit day. It's the first day in a long while that there is nothing on my calendar except what I want to do -- oh, and bread to bake for Thurs (but that's fun). Let's see how much I can get done!


NextVanGogh said...

love the colors of these!