A New Year - A New Blog

Author: Liz / Labels: , , ,

...at least it feels that way... GEEZ it's been a LONG time.

Dear 4s of followers, I will make a concerted effort to keep this going this time. Sometimes life gets in the way and although that may sound like an excuse...it did a bit in my case.

Since August, I've gone through a very busy fall season at work, a very fun Halloween with Draculess (my 5 1/2 year old niece), friends going through hard times, house getting broken into, Thanksgiving, brother getting his van totaled, Christmas and now a brand new decade.

I was without a computer from about mid-November til New Year's Eve and everything, and I mean Everything I did online fell behind. I managed to almost keep up with the email but lost some of those too. But I had told myself that when my laptop quit working I was going to look into getting a mac...I did it. I went to the Dark Side. It's ok, I feel I belong here anyway! So now that I have a working computer again....

I'm also setting myself the task of challenging myself with my knitting this year. I wanted to try colorwork last year and never got around to it. I will this year. As a friend put it -- it's out there -- now I have to do it.

The first challenge however is Ravelympics. This is where you challenge yourself to do as much as you can within the time frame of the Olympics. From Opening Ceremonies to Closing Ceremonies. And I'm shooting for at least 1 pair of socks. Ugh. It usually takes me about a month to do so 2 weeks might be pushing it. I will prevail!

I apologize for the lack of visual goodness in this post. I promise it is coming...it took enough energy for this "non-computer" nerd to get the layout changed. But it's pretty, no?

Until the next...


Anonymous said...

It's about freaking time! Welcome back Liz!

Jackie F. said...

Welcome back to blogland!!

Marie said...

yea!!! and mac? WHOO HOOO!!!

oh and how did you do the progress counter on your projects? very, very cool :)

NextVanGogh said...

As far as lack of visual, I LOVE the new background. Very nice! And the dark side... it crept on you... first it was the Ipod touch... now a mac... yea! Glad you have a computer again.

Robin said...

Welcome back! Since I haven't made it to Knit Knite I've missed hearing about all the escapades of the knitters.