Knitting Challenge #1

Author: Liz / Labels: , , ,

Ok, so technically this challenge started last year -- on Christmas Day.

But, I'm counting it as the first of the new year (since that's when most of the work on them will occur)...

This is the first half done of my very first pair of knee socks! I've been wanting to do a pair for a while now and finally started the Treetop pattern on Christmas day. I've had to modify the pattern a bit because I have HUGE calves and TINY feet. These are knit top down so I started with the large for the leg and then added extra decreases around the ankle to give the stitch count for the small foot. The foot fits GREAT and the leg is still a bit tight but doable!

Another change I made was to do an Eye of Partridge heel instead of a ribbed heel. I think that the eye of partridge holds up better over time and I like the look better. (Even if the ribbing isn't continued down the heel!)

I also thought that I would get SO bored doing the super long leg but the diagonal cabling actually really kept me interested. I do have to admit I thought I would also hate the cabling. I've only done cabling on one other pair of socks and I couldn't stand it. Which was very odd seeing as I LOVE cables! However, now that I know someone else who has done that pattern and also hated it, I think it was a case of a bad sock cabling experience.

I'm quite relieved to realize that cables on socks doesn't have to be an excruciating job!


Marie said...

wow. AMAZING!!!

Anonymous said...

YAAAAY! Now you have to do the other one!

NextVanGogh said...

Lookin good!