Knitting Hijinks

Author: Liz / Labels: , , ,


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The past few days have been knitting/yarn overload.
Thursday was the usual crowd in the usual place but the energy was UNusual. Knowing that we had new goodies there for us to take home, a field trip the next day and just the general end of the week was enough to make grown women positively giddy.
Since the Ravlympics had just finished, everyone had lots to show...
These were the finished Ravelympic projects that present on Thurs. night.
Let's see...clockwise from top left: J's Twilight Mitts, K's Twilight Mitts, My iTARDIS, my socks for mom, M's Bella's Mitts for her daughter, and J's So-Called-Scarf (which only took her a mere 4 years to finish!)

Then the moment where I think we were all dumbfounded by the secret cast-on ninja skills of Karen. So much so that we made her demonstrate the next day...
it's extremely fast and she doesn't even watch while she's doing it.

Then we had Kate's first pair of socks. Well, at least the ones that now have her totally addicted to socks! (Yes, another one into the fold!) A year ago she wanted handmade socks so badly that she wanted to pay someone to make them for her. Now, she's come a little further to the dark side and will be making socks forever.

Friday...after getting up much earlier than I thought I had to (stupid work meeting!) we all met again but this time for a wondrous yarn field trip -- but that's another whole story.
But now we saw Cat's Endpaper Mitts that added to the Ravelympics haul.
All this colorwork REALLY makes me want to start my colorwork project. Must finish current ones first. Must finish current ones first. Must finish current ones first.

Then after all this, some of us went to see "Alice in Wonderland." We missed seeing it in 3D but all the same in was still a wonderous movie. Even if the music was just a tad disappointing to me. (not bad, just not stellar)

Now, I'm going to leave you with the latest yarn that I acquired form the Merc when I 'happened to pass by' last week...Mmmmmm....


Karen said...

Liz this post is full of WIN. Lovely pics as always.

You make me feel like a rockstar, a cast on ROCKSTAR!

Jackie F. said...

Good times!!!!