Christmas Time is Here...

Author: Liz / Labels: , , , ,

8 Days before Christmas
The New(for me anyway) Group of Enablers!

This what happens when a customer in your store happens to hear that you are a knitter: You get invited to Knit Knite and end up meeting wonderful people who help feed your addiction. Whether it's the new skein of yarn that we bring so everyone can molest it or the magical laughs of life, this group of women provide an amazing way to relax, spark ideas, have fun and get some much needed work done on an unfinished object!
Thank you for finding me -- even if it was by accident!


Marie said...


Karen said...

That's my felted Hedgehog with the red fur on the table! :-)

It's been fun getting to know you at Knit Knite. So glad you could join the group. Here's to happy accidents.

NextVanGogh said...

Glad you can join us Liz! We're always happy to have another fun knitter!

Knitting by Leah said...

Why don't you check out We have tons of interesting knitted items you could look at, or read about. There is an event coming up in January at our Gaithersburg, MD Fairgrounds from 9 am to 1 pm in the building # 2. I would like it if you took a look at what we sell. Do you have a cell phone? We sell knitted cell phone socks and other items, of course.