I'm Dreaming Of A...

Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

7 Days Before Christmas
Blah, Blah, Blah

Today was not a good day. First of all, this is what I woke up to this morning. Dreary, cold, rain. This does not make the trees all pretty and Christmasy! (I love waking up to trees covered in snow!) Then Mother Nature decided she needed a heat wave -- it reached around 50! My head stupidly thought that spring was arriving and since about 1:00 today it has pounded and pounded. Not fun. Throw some slightly crazy people in the mix and I felt like saying Bah Humbug!
So I am now off to the couch for some TV, knitting and kitty love.
Tomorrow will be better!


Anonymous said...

I felt the same way. Especially after getting soaked while waiting for the school bus this morning!