Have yourself...

Author: Liz / Labels: , , ,

...A merry little Christmas!

I apologize for this last Photo being a few days late. We had a massive influx of people at my parents' house for Christmas -- we sat down to dinner (which actually happened on sat) with 16 people. The whole house was filled with people, noise, and smells of cooking. After dinner (well, more like lunch) we sat down to open presents...I don't know how it is in your family but with mine, someone always, I mean, ALWAYS ends up with ribbons on their head! This year it happened to my oldest niece, Cora -- almost 21 years old and still gets ribbons in her hair! :)

Then, after that melee was over we had entertainment from the 4 year old Carly's karaoke machine. It took her a little bit to get it but then we got every Christmas carol in the book. (Sorry, I didn't get a pic of this but I was helping with dishes halfway across the house.)

Finally, some of us had to escape the confines of the house...especially since it was a balmy 65 degrees. This let the kids get some energy out and of course, let some of us big kids have a little fun too! My nephews and niece ended up having races -- the boys having to hop to keep slow enough for the new razor scooter. These are (from left to right) Zack, Carly and Ben trying to outdo each other.

We had some nice discussions about how our traditions came to be, how we've added to those traditions, the many memories, and of course the family members no longer with us. Each year gets a little more crazy and hectic -- but worth it just the same.
Merry Christmas!


Marie said...

oh i am so bummed i couldn't see you...hope you had a good christmas. and more hectic? yeah, i get that.