It's Beginning to Look a Lot...

Author: Liz / Labels: , , ,

5 Days Before Christmas

Ahh...the first family tradition -- Kleesals!
I'm not quite sure where this recipe came from but they showed up every year at grandma's house for Christmas. What could be better than a fruit or nut filled pastry that you can pop in your mouth? With mom not wanting the task of making these every year the job fell to me. I wasn't able to bake them with my grandma and learn from her that way. Luckilly, I was able to have her taste them and give them the stamp of approval!


NextVanGogh said...

Yum! Those remind me of a pastry my mom used to make every year. Bite sized goodness... oh we'd get sick on them! :)

Unknown said...

little slices of heaven, they are!