And Now For Something Completely Knitting....

Author: Liz / Labels: , ,

Ok. I know it's been a while since I actually posted some knitting goodies.

So Here I Go:

We'll start off with the not so exciting...but they are made with awesome yarn! I just have to say I love Knitpicks for starting the Imagination line -- and for naming them all after fairy tales (this one is Looking Glass)! These are the armwarmers that I made for my niece, Amy's birthday. This was an easy project as I had just made some for me and they are almost purely stockinette stitch. She seemed to like them (she's 18 so...) and they did fit her!

Now for the stripey fun: I love these colors. The name of the color is Patina and that is just what I think of. The color combination reminds me a piece of copper that's only been half left out to turn green. I'm using a simple stockinette stitch on the foot so the colors show through well. But I'm using a floating rib stitch on the cuff to give them a little more personality. I think the best part about these was trying to explain self-striping yarn to my dad -- no matter what I told him he couldn't get that the yarn did the stripes. I showed him the lengths of different colors, tried to explain that the fewer stitches the thicker the stripes. Didn't work. He thought that I had it all planned out in my head. Silly dad...that's the fun of playing with yarn -- waiting to find out what it looks like when it's done!

The Big Job: this is the long project right now. This is a taste of a sampler shawl that comes from the Folk Shawls book. I LOVE this book. I am a person that gets very tired of big thick coats -- so to wrap myself up in a nice, thick blanket (for all intents and purposes) is wonderful. They are perfect for those inbetween days where you need something but you're also not freezing your toes off. (It's also a good thing in a movie theater if you like to curl up with a blanket!) This one will be a sampler of 5 different lace patterns. I've got 2 done...3 more to go...this is knit horizontally and I believe there's around 350 stitches per row so it takes me a good long time to do one row. Hopefully, the draw of using this soon will keep me going...knit, knit, knit. have been updated. Now I'm off to practice! [see resolution #2]


Karen said...

My Dad kind of glazes over when I start talking knitting, but he LOVES my felted Hedgehogs so it's all good.

Cool to see the mitt/armwarmer finished.

It kind of blows my mind to see you knit inside out. I have another left handed knitter friend who might benefit from this suggestion.

The shawl will be warm!

NextVanGogh said...

I just got woodsman, gingerbread house, frog prince and lost boys. My least fave before ordering was woodsman, but not in my hands, it's my fave!! And I almost got the patina. Please bring so I can see in person. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the Patina socks! Beautiful colors -- the copper description is perfect!