Getting the hang of it...

Author: Liz / Labels: , , , ,

A while ago my mom weakened to the joys of pretty yarn and bought some lace weight Knit Picks so she could try her hand at it. That's really strange because I don't think I've ever seen my mom knit with anything finer than worsted! After it sat at her house for a year or so, she willingly gave it to someone who might actually knit something with it. So...I decided to leap in and make her a shawl out the yarn that she bought.
I cast on for this project back in May (I had to look on Ravelry to know when...) and it's been pretty much sitting at the same state of doneness for at least 5 months. I just could never bring myself to work on it. I always had that ugh... gotta work on that lace thing feeling.

I had a newbie knitter friend over Sat night for dinner and projects. I decided to force myself to work on this shawl and it was going to be done for my mom no later than Mother's Day (seems like a good day to give Mom something!). So ugh...came the thought again...but this time it didn't stay around very long. I've seemed to grab onto the whole lacework thing now...maybe it was Megan saying (after I repeated part of the pattern out loud), "Ooh, let me purposefully put a mistake and add a stitch (insert and incredibly dry, sarcastic tone)." I think that may have made me see the project in a whole new light -- now it's not "ugh....that lace thing" but "ooh!....lots of pretty holes!" Hopefully, Mom sees it the same way.

Now....there are 2 things I've learned:
1. Must have pointy, pointy needles to do lace -- mine aren't :( The k2Tog's are kinda hard.
2. When you lay the work on the floor to take pictures, make sure you're on the lookout for the cat. She's already put teeth holes in one pair of my bamboo needles and almost got these. I guess I shouldn't complain because she rarely goes after the yarn!


Marie said...


NextVanGogh said...

that's awesomely nice to make it for your mom... and it looks good so far, so I think you're doing a great job! :) I kind of have a love/hate relationship with lace, so I COMPLETELY understand. Oh and the addi turbos are nice and pointy and they have some grip, but I also have seen the KP Harmony options needles are quite pointy as well. Pointy does help with those tight stitches. Good luck!