Step One: Walls

Author: Liz / Labels: , , this week I took vacation to try and get my big winter project done. I was hoping that I could get a couple of days solid to work on my kitchen. Well, the fates conspired against me and this week is actually going to be a REALLY busy week -- so the kitchen is going in stages.

On Saturday I tool a trip down to Ikea (LOVE this place) to pick up a few handy, dandy things. A new tv stand, door pulls, storage space for kitchen walls, etc. etc. etc. Of course, walking through that store always makes me want to spend so much more money than I have...:(

So with new kitchen toys in hand I'm ready to start. Here's the mess before I started this morning:

Filthy white walls (that I had to splash some ceiling paint on when I moved in just so I wouldn't be grossed out cooking!) and bright, fire-engine red cupboards. Now I'm not afraid of color -- my bathroom is rubber duckie yellow -- but these cupboards have been screaming at me for a year. It doesn't help that the paint job is horrible (that's been a common theme with this house-- half done jobs.) It's not relaxing to cook with harsh colors staring back at you. As far as the walls are concerned, I've never understood the need to have the whole house white (which mine was) so the white walls are now gone!

I know that this picture isn't that clear as to what the color do I describe? It's tanblushgrey. Ok,Ok, the name of the color is actually Unfussy Beige but once I get the cupboards done it will look better. (The red now is REALLY screaming at me -- it clashes like you would not believe!)
Hopefully, I will be posting the finished product in a couple of days -- complete with pretty new stuff and an actual clean counter! Now on to have a sit in my chair!!


Karen said...

Oh boy painting and home projects! Looking good so far! Looking forward to seeing more pictures of your progress.

Love Ikea, but when we go Dave and I have to have a list and stick to it, it's so hard, nearly the entire store says "Bring me home!" But we don't have the room or a way to get it home.

I long for an Expedit for my office to hold nothing but stash. drool

Happy Painting!

NextVanGogh said...

That is some CRAZY red... what are your plans for covering? Can't wait to see the done-ness. In fact you should have a knit party when you get finished. LOL :)